Timesheet Approval Screen
Larry Foxx
We have some functionality just around the corner to help admins with better visibility to missing entries!
Carrie Duddles
I agree. In order to get around this, I run a Timesheet Detail report and filter down the time in/out columns to find blank cells. This tells me if there are any missed punches. However, it would be great if the Timesheet approval screen would do this for us.
David Carlile
I agree. With the number of grants and the number of timesheets associated with those grants that we need to process, being directed so the approver needs to see each timesheet would be a great advantage.
Melissa Shuker
This has been an issue on our end as well. I keep telling approvers to approve from the timesheet screen, but they are naturally directed to the approval screen. I wish they were just directed to the timesheet screen to make approvals so they have to visually SEE each timesheet.