Position effective dates - Start / End Date Positions
in progress
Amy North
Effective start and end dates for positions within certain contracts. Our district does not track time for teachers, admin, supervisors and some support staff - so we do not need an effective date for those positions. We DO need the effective start and end dates for our custodial/maintnance staff and some support staff who use time tracking for payroll purposes. Having the option tied to contracts or specific positions would be beneficial.
Leslie Cicalo
yes this is necessary. when Lake Orion went to RR years ago we asked to be able to start/end a position and also schedule changes.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Option to inactivate a position for an employee
Amy Moreno
It would be great if a position can be inactivated for an employee, instead of deleting the position for the employee. Sometimes the historical data is nice to have.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Adding End Dates instead of deleting positons!
Lori Andersen
We really need to be able to put an end date when removing a position from someone instead of deleting it, so that it doesn't mess with things in the back ground.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Effective Dating
Michelle Gable
The ability to Effective Date when starting and ending positions is necessary. We have employees all the time whose position start/end times change mid month. Employees also add/remove positions mid month, secure new positions at new locations etc....
Having the ability to enter these changes with effective dates is essential.
This is only our first full month on Red Rover and finding this problematic already. We had this on our prior system on the time tracking side at least.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Inactive positions
Craig McCarthy
It would be great if we could make a role inactive for staff members that work the school year in one roll and then a summer position in another. This way there would not be overlapping schedules.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Begin and End Dates for Positions
Tammy McCarter
I thought I saw a post that this was complete There are no begin and end dates on positions still. We need these because we get too many warnings when there should not be warnings.
Patti Kelso
I believe the inactivation feature is for inactivating the employee's entire account ... but say an employee has two positions during the school year; i.e., EA and supervision, but during summer school they work as just an EA, it would be nice to be able to just inactivate their supervision role for the summer instead of deleting it and then having to re-add it for the regular school year.
Amy Moreno
Patti Kelso-Yes! This is what I meant. Thank you!
Gail Kablau
There is an inactivation feature. just go to the three dots on the upper right of a staff profile - you can "inactivate" them there
Diane Howell
It appears we have that option now
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