Half day cancellation but paid for full day
Carrie Putman
We have instances that we are cancelling school for the afternoon due to snow, heat, etc. When we cancel, we pay our employees (including hourly) for the entire day. They are only able to clock out while on school property. Trying to figure out best way to handle this without a ton of manual entry.
Mike Weisman
Mike Weisman
Hey there folks! You can now bulk-add time entries to employee records! This should help with what you're dealing with here. Here's a link to a resource on how to bulk-add time entries: https://help.redroverk12.com/hc/en-us/articles/31713738269716-How-to-Bulk-Add-Time-Entries
If you need assistance, please feel free to touch base with our support team. They'd be happy to help!
Andy Duch
Yes, we also need to be able to add partial paid closed days as well. Or perhaps to be able to mass add paid time to the employees timesheets.