Feedback rating for employees/subs
Kim Lash
Absence Management (sorry!) has a Feedback feature using 1-5 stars. Employees may rate sub performance and subs may rate how well each job went. Administrators monitor low ratings and take action early to correct any potential problems. As a BOCES we service many school districts. 30 of our districts use this feedback feature. While all have not yet converted to Red Rover, my hope is that I soon won't have to list this as something a district will give up if they do convert. Thank you for considering this idea! :)
Mike Weisman
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Allow teachers and subs to review each other after assignments
After assignments send a form to teachers and subs so they can review how it went. This would allow us to have a history of how the subs are doing in assignments and if the teachers are providing enough information for the subs. It would also be helpful to have the rating available as a column in reports.
The review could have a 1-5 rating and field for short response. It could also be helpful for Super Users to be able to add fields.
DIane Howell
That other company had a form the subs could fill out right in the absence management software. I have my team leave detailed notes on the sub plans, but something electronic that is date and time stamped would be better. Affording the teacher the same capability would be ideal. I tend to only receive the negative feedback. I would love to forward compliments to our guest teachers as well.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Sub Feedback
Cathy Alvarez
Can you add a feature for Subs to leave feedback on their past jobs?
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Sub Feedback
Cathy Alvarez
Can you add a feature for Subs to leave feedback on their past jobs?
Mike Weisman
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We'd love to create a google form and attach it to be something the sub would fill out after they work the assignment
Tanya Saylor
Mike Weisman
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Sub feedback
Stephanie Buchanan
I would like my teachers to be able to rate subs after jobs and be able to leave feedback for other teachers and admin to see.
Chrissy Emerson
LOVE THIS. Like when you order from DoorDash or use a ride service-- they are prompted (maybe texted?) to leave feedback and it could be as simple as a 1-5 star rating where coments are optional. This would help us not only support our staff but our substitutes as well!
Larry Foxx
Merged in a post:
Notes to teachers
Kate Silva
It would be great to have a way for substitutes could leave notes for teachers following a job (like comments on the class or student interaction, lesson plan, etc).
DIane Howell
YESSSSSS! Today they have to leave paper copy notes and take a photo with their phone should someone need them to go back to reflect on a day. Even like a Mokey survey they can load from the app.
Cheri Casper
Evaluation of Substitute-
Name of Substitute
Grade level
Date of assignment
Rate 1-10
Relations with Pupils
Classroom Control
Care of classroom
Use of lessonplans
Knowledge of subject
Comments section
Would you recommend this teacher sub for you again? Yes No
If no, please briefly explain why
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