Employee Position Details
Madison Backus
I would love to see that on the employees position there is a start or effective date and and End Date. There are times where I have an employee change there position type mid year and when we update the position type it updates all the absence records to the new position type. Lets say I have a Para who becomes a teacher mid year. I am finding that when we change there position from Para to Teacher all the absences that were linked to the para position now update as a Teacher. This becomes a MAJOR issue because when we lock extracts the unlocks that data and repulls it and changed the record to the new position type. This often results in over charging an Employees leave. Same thing when we add an additional position to the employees record
Larry Foxx
Madison Backus
Larry Foxx Is there any way we can see this for Puyallup?
Larry Foxx
We are going to activate some of our initial Effective Dating features to the voting districts on this item. You will see more effective dating options when making these changes to employees.
Jennifer Arsenault
Larry Foxx Will end be added along with start date?
Larry Foxx
Jennifer Arsenault - yes we do plan to add that along the way!
Larry Foxx
Melissa Rossi and Michelle Gable - I've reached out to you by email to see about you piloting this feature
Melissa Rossi
Larry Foxx Wahoo! Loving it so far =)
Michelle Gable
Yes, I agree with your comments/
Michelle Gable
This is the Effective dating that we too would like to see in our School District. By changing position types, the employee timesheets are also affected and I am trying to come up with a "clean" way to make these changes until the Effective Dating option is rolled out. We have been informed that this is something Red Rover teams are working on, so maybe soon????
Melissa Rossi
Michelle Gable Yes! This post needs EVERY vote. Effective dating is vital in a school district. This is something that Frontline had and this is a necessity for us!
Michelle Gable
Melissa Rossi I am missing that ability~!
Melissa Rossi
Michelle Gable Me too! It makes my September payroll 100% more time consuming than it needs to be. It's been "in progress" for 2 years now. I am praying it's done before the next school year begins.
Michelle Gable
Melissa Rossi I just saw a post on this from Larry Foxx with Red Rover and their hopes is that it's ready prior to the beginning of this upcoming 24/25 School Year~!
Melissa Rossi
Michelle Gable Wahoo! I will be ecstatic! Thank you!
Larry Foxx
in progress
Melissa Rossi
Larry Foxx Praying this is marked "completed" before the next school year begins.