Ability to have itinerant employees pick their location
Michael Lichtenberger
There should be an ability for itinerant employees to be able to be assigned to multiple schools without having to create a schedule for each school. Sometimes their are employees who don't have specific schedules or who vary week by week. There could be an option where the employee could pick the school and then it either could default to their full day or they could enter a custom absence for their day.
Larry Foxx
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Teachers who work in Multiple Buildings
Julie Jimenez
It would be extremely helpful if a teacher who works @ multiple buildings have a site set up with a drop down list of the sites they work at. This way they can select the site they would be working at on the day they would be absence. We have many teachers who work at a different site 4 days out of the week. These teachers don't necessarily travel during the day. The current set up is not accomodating their need.
Mike Weisman
Merged in a post:
Would love ability to assign multiple buildings to a staff member but not needed to enter specific schedule
Esther Davidson
It would be nice to be able to assign multiple buildings to a staff member that travels but not be required to enter a specific schedule. Sometimes staff members have a floating and rotating schedule which is not always the same every week.
Derrick Hollins
We have itinerant staff that cover more than 5 schools in our 27 school district. At the moment, because the locations are tied to the weekly schedule, we are limited to assigning an employee to 5 locations. We would love the ability to assign more than 5.
Gail Kablau
I used to have this feature with the dropdown box in our last program and desperately need it in this one.
Billie Stowell
This would be great for our elementary art teacher and librarian. They are at a school for a 3 week rotation and then move onto the next school. Instead of me having to remember to go in and change where they are going to be, it would be nice if they could use a drop down menu and choose which building they are in for when they need a substitute
Carmen Johnshon
Agree, the drop down building choice is needed.
Ashley Fortner
This is very important to our district. We need to be able to select the campus the employee needs the sub for.
Michelle Valentine
This would solve so many problems for us in our special ed department that has multi schools in one day and they rotate schedules weekly and some even daily.
Kathy Klarecki
This would be great!! I have teachers that work in 2 different buildings. They switch every other week. One week at my building and the next week at another.
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